My summer essentials!

Being someone who isn't really girly is a blessing and a curse. I don't worry so much about what I wear but I can also feel uncomfortable and out of place when it comes to dressing up. Here are 5 things I can't live without during the summer months: 1. Flip flops I've had my… Continue reading My summer essentials!

Discussion: Stranger Things 3

SPOILERS ALERT. STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I MEAN IT... LAST CHANCE! DON'T COME CRYING TO ME IF YOU READ THIS AND THE ENTIRE SEASON GETS RUINED FOR YOU. Okay. Oh. My. God. I can't be the only one who was utterly terrified at some parts? I'm not a… Continue reading Discussion: Stranger Things 3

What I’ve learned from a year in Blogging!

*before I start. Photos are not my own - I have used the free photos WordPress provides to create this blog post It's been a whole year since I started up mybigfatgreeklifestyle! Although I'd love to shake the name at some point, I still love it. I never really thought blogging was a thing, I… Continue reading What I’ve learned from a year in Blogging!


How do you plan on spending your next birthday? Probably on an aeroplane. I'm heading back to the UK and the flight falls on my birthday and my friend will be taking me to go see Russell Howard! I don't want a lot of fuss any more, I used to be a birthday lover but… Continue reading Q&A: 2019 EDITION

What it’s like to be a Dog Parent

You know how it is. There is nothing more special in this world than your dog(s). They could be the grumpiest little woofer in all the land but they're still SO special. Before I begin, for those of you who haven't met my little ray of grumpy sunshine, here's a little brief on my pooch:… Continue reading What it’s like to be a Dog Parent

April Update: New Camera!

Happy May everyone! For a lot of April I've been pretty inactive in the Blogging circle, I'm not even sure if I can explain why. I'm back though and although it's not a very wordy post as I've lost a little bit of inspiration, it's still a post and it counts! I've been back in… Continue reading April Update: New Camera!

Guest post: How I Manage My Time As A Freelancer

Thank you to Vada for writing this for my poor little neglected blog. She's an awesome writer and person so please follow her! (her social media is at the bottom of this post!) I hear a lot of people saying to me that they struggle with time management and they put stuff off until last… Continue reading Guest post: How I Manage My Time As A Freelancer

11 things I have learned from living in GREECE

Living in another country can be exciting and full of new opportunities and fun adventures. I've lived in Corfu on and off for nearly 3 years now. It has become my home and it has completely changed my outlook on life. Culture, way of living and tonnes of good food makes it only some of… Continue reading 11 things I have learned from living in GREECE

Why I dislike Clubbing

It wasn't until recently that I realised I was an ambivert and honestly it's answered a lot of questions since I realised this was an actual thing. Some days I love going out and socialising and other days I just want a good date with my coffee and Netflix. Clubbing has always been a difficult… Continue reading Why I dislike Clubbing