Roadtrip to Thessaloniki

Beware, this post is pretty photo indulgent. The roadtrip has been and gone in a blink of an eye. It's sad it can't last much longer but we still manage to squeeze so much into it that it feels like a weeks worth of exploring! The Ferry Unlike last time, the ferry was pretty uneventful… Continue reading Roadtrip to Thessaloniki

Road Trip Essentials

This weekend we are going on our annual trip around mainland Greece and I'm so excited to share with you our adventure (after we've had it, of course)! As we will be driving to our destination, like last year, I thought it would be necessary to put together an essentials list for anyone who may… Continue reading Road Trip Essentials

What’s in my bag: cabin bag edition!

Being a frequent flyer means there's a certain check list for cabin bag. If you're anything like me and need to be constantly entertained otherwise you notice your legs wriggling and you're tapping everything that will make a sound (yes pray I have entertainment if you're sitting next to me) then you'll probably want to… Continue reading What’s in my bag: cabin bag edition!

Part 3: Winter in Greece: Elati

Driving into Elati, a small village up in the north of Greece was like walking into what I can only imagine what Santa's home town looks like (wherever you believe that to be). Huge Christmas trees towering above us and surrounding the village completely made it feel like a winter wonderland. Elati actually gets its… Continue reading Part 3: Winter in Greece: Elati

Greece: Why I love it

If this post inspires at least one person to visit Greece next year then my job is done. I want to give a little insight as to why I love Greece so much and why it's the ideal destination for anyone. 1. Choice There's a total of 227 inhabited islands in Greece. Although there are… Continue reading Greece: Why I love it

Guest Post: That time when I met my Prince Not-So-Charming

Welcome to my second guest post 'that time when...' This week's guest is KB (her life in ruins) ❤ That time when I met my Prince Not-So-Charming At 19, I was young, had stars in my eyes, and dreamed of going abroad to have my very own Lizzie McGuire Movie moment. That’s right, I wanted… Continue reading Guest Post: That time when I met my Prince Not-So-Charming

Guest Post: That time when I got stripped at the Slovenian-Croatian border

Welcome Ilka to my very first guest post and very first of my 'That time when...' series! That time when I got stripped at the Slovenian-Croatian border This story takes place back in 2010, but I remember it quite well as it is the only time I got stripped at a border. My then-boyfriend-now-husband and… Continue reading Guest Post: That time when I got stripped at the Slovenian-Croatian border

Winter in Greece: Meteora and Portaikos Bridge

The dream. Ever since I was 8 years old and learned about ancient Greece in school, I have thought 'I want to go there' I remember spending hours at a time searching for images of Greece on the internet and frequently seeing these beautiful buildings sat on top of cliffs and wondering what they were.… Continue reading Winter in Greece: Meteora and Portaikos Bridge

Winter in Greece: The Ferry

This is part 1 of 5 of my 'Winter in Greece' experience 2018 Who knew Greece had a winter? I thought it would reach autumnal at best but it turns out I was completely wrong! In February 2018 we travelled around Mainland Greece and I was so fortunate to be introduced to a whole new… Continue reading Winter in Greece: The Ferry